Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Oh dearest Brain Roberts(1),

May I suggest something to you, One and Glorious of the Comcastian Internet Empire(2)? I dare not offer a challenge to your mighty autocracy of cable among us here in the US of A - that would be only left to the foolish and the shortsighted. No, no, I will do away with all that. Consider this, your Glory, a most honest, a most truncated and straightforward collective opinion of your peoples in your vast swathes of dominion on the basis of your rule.

Your people despise you.(3)

Now, now, I can see it your eyes. I tell you, your Glory, to not be infuriated. I am but a most beset messenger, whose words scathe me to hear them come forth from I as much as it scathes you. I give you a simple resolve, more a placid suggestion, to help curtail the ignorance of your peoples in this manner. You own so much(4), your Glory, in terms of land and your cables, to connect this country with the gift, yes, the most valued gift of your Internet. It is troubling to those that consider it a tyranny,(5) an injustice on this free-bearing nation that you own so much. It gives you freedom to be benevolent, they affirm, but also the freedom to be no more than a sacrilaged dictator of prices and vanquished competition. 

Beyond that, your Glory, it also happens that you are almost unanimously voted the worst company in America by the heresy of Consumerist(6) this previous year - heresy that I do admit is fairly popular among your peoples. Because of the prevalence of freedom of speech, much like your freedom to dictate, we cannot simply be rid of Consumerist and its heresy, not quite; perhaps at another time, but their voice must be considered with the influence it has on your peons. Then I say, your Glory, that consumer value has more merit to it than previously decided.

Your peons' voice in these affairs, of what they so demand from you, your Glory, is becoming fairly clear, is it not? They wish for a land of options between their Internet Service Providers, a tested freedom from price gouging and anti-competitive leverage(7) and then too the ability to have genuine customer service without it becoming a paraded about "horror story" among the analogues of Consumerist and other sites of heresy to your rule. And, too, a freedom of being able to access what they wish on your Internet that you so graciously provide. A suggestion it may, but a suggestion I do believe is very much warranted.

A Consumer of Verizon FiOS

(1): Edwards, Haley Sweetland. "The Man Who Wants To Remake The Internet Does Not Wear A Hoodie." (par. 1)
(2): Edwards, Haley Sweetland. "The Man Who Wants To Remake The Internet Does Not Wear A Hoodie." (par. 3)
(3): Edwards, Haley Sweetland. "The Man Who Wants To Remake The Internet Does Not Wear A Hoodie." (par. 7)
(4): Edwards, Haley Sweetland. "The Man Who Wants To Remake The Internet Does Not Wear A Hoodie." (par. 3)
(5): Edwards, Haley Sweetland. "The Man Who Wants To Remake The Internet Does Not  Wear A Hoodie." (par. 4)
(6): http://consumerist.com/2014/04/08/congratulations-to-comcast-your-2014-worst-company-in-america/
(7): Edwards, Haley Sweetland. "The Man Who Wants To Remake The Internet Does Not  Wear A Hoodie." (par. 17)

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